These pages contain community support from individuals, businesses and governmental units and continues to be updated.

Business and Professional Support

Anderson – Madison County Association of Realtors

Madison County Chamber of Commerce

Anderson – Madison County Visitors Bureau


Funders of Mounds Lake Project

Centaur Gaming Inc.

E & B Paving Inc.

Fredricks Inc.

Bill & Ann Hardacre

Hoosier Park Inc.

Irving Materials Inc.

John Maidlow

John Paugh

Larry Contos

Mike Montgomery

James Singleton

Paul Nicholson

Virgil Cook Family

Governmental Support

Governmental Units Voting to Join/Form Commission

City of Anderson – City Council 

Chesterfield – Town Council 

Governmental Units Approving Resolution in Support of Mounds Lake Project

Chesterfield – Town Council

City of Anderson – Kevin Smith, Mayor

Delaware County Commissioners – James King, President

Daleville Town Board – Tom Roberts, President

Madison County Council – John Bostic, President

Madison County Commissioners – John Richwine, President

Delaware County Council – Kevin Nemyer, President

Statement of Support of Mounds Lake Project

Elwood, Indiana – Mayor Ron Arnold

Pendleton, Indiana – Doug McGee, Town Manager

Community Endorsements

Cook Family, Owner, Mounds Mall

 “We have a vested interest in Anderson since this has been our home for many years. This project has the potential to be a game changer for Anderson. We believe in Anderson and want nothing more than to see it prosper.”  HB article 3/19/13


Steve Madinger, Owner, Texas Roadhouse

 “As owners of Texas Roadhouse and longtime Anderson residents, we would like to express our support for this project.  Our restaurant is located within the proposed reservoir area, requiring us to relocate our business pending approval of the project. While this will require a great deal of work on our part, we believe in the future of Anderson and that this project represents a good move for our businesses and for the community.”  HB article 3/19/13


Bill Fredericks, President, Fredericks Construction, Inc.

 Bill Fredericks, president and CEO of Fredericks Inc., has lived in Madison County all his life, from Chesterfield to Anderson to Pendleton, and has seen a decline in the area’s population and jobs. “I see this (the Mounds Lake Reservoir) as reversing this decline. Studies suggest it’s worked elsewhere.   And with a growth in population would likely come the need to expand business services”  HB article 3/19/13


Paul Nicholson, CEO for Central Management Services, Inc.

 “Mounds Lake could transform the image of Anderson and surrounding communities. There’s pressure to have businesses and homes near water, and if Anderson had that option, it may not be looked over as frequently. This area could have a positive image rather than that of dying town”  HB article 3/19/13


John Paugh, President and CEO, Carter Express

 “In addition to jobs and homes, the reservoir would ensure the valuable commodity of water — part of the CED’s proposal includes provision of a “central Indiana water resource” — and provide a great recreational destination. It could be great for Madison County and Anderson.”


Mike Latchaw, Area Manager, E & B Paving, Inc.

“This project has the potential to improve the quality of life and boost economic development for a new start.  Yes, businesses and homes would unfortunately be displaced in the proposed location, but the community should listen to and consider the opportunities.  I think the pluses to the community outweigh the negatives.”  HB article 3/19/13


Grant Scharton, Hoosier Park

“Hoosier Park sees the reservoir as a feasible project that could be beneficial to both the community and racino, but understands it calls for further investigation and input.” HB article 3/19/13